The election is over and Barack Obama will become the next President of the United States - the first black President. His election is a historic event and perhaps many voted for him mainly to participate in history-making. A key word during the past campaign year and a half was change, and many people have asked me if I think America will change. Sorry, but I don’t. At least not in the ways that Japanese expect America to change. For one thing the number of Americans who consider themselves liberal, moderate, or conservative has changed very little, even during or after this election.


A liberal party (Democrat) candidate was elected, but only 22 percent of Americans call themselves liberal. Maybe the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will be ended easily… and maybe not. But, I can guarantee you this election is proof that many things have already changed. Obama is living and breathing proof that the American Dream is alive and well and that it encompasses minorities who previously felt themselves outside of that dream. His election should be and will be, I believe, an inspiration to young people – even those who feel disenfranchised – that they can succeed if they are willing to work hard. In case you are wondering… Yes. I did vote for Barack Obama, and I didn’t vote for him because he is black.


「変化」                        マリン・バーチ


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