Recently I went for a walk along a path I have not taken for quite some time. Many of the potholes had grown larger and there were new ones. It’s not the sort of path that will be repaved very often, but as it runs along a main highway it does cross other larger roads. I noticed that at several of these crossroads there were new nicely painted pedestrian crossings alongside clearly marked bicycle paths. After a few streets, however, I noticed that my fellow pedestrians were paying absolutely no attention to these markings and crossing wherever and pretty much whenever they liked.At one busier crossing things deteriorated completely.


While I waited for the traffic light to change in our favor I was joined by four other “power walkers” and five cyclists on their way home from work and school. Finally, the light changed and the four power walkers proceeded to cross in the clearly marked bicycle lane! The cyclists meanwhile headed out over the pedestrian stripes! Me? Well… I just walked along the wide, white line separating the two lanes, all the while wondering whether the paint had been wasted or not. I guess if it made us realize that this was a place to be careful while we crossed, then it wasn’t a waste. But, so much for obeying “the letter of the law!”


交差点で           マリン・バーチ

ある交通量の多い交差点では、事態(横断の仕方)は完全に悪くなっていました。私が信号が青に変わるのを待っている時に、四人の「屈強な歩行者」が、そして5人の学校や仕事帰りの自転車に乗った人がやって来て一緒に待ち始めました。やっと信号が変わり、四人の頑強な歩行者はさっと明瞭に表示された自転車道の上を渡り始めました! 一方で、自転車に乗った人々は歩行者用しま模様の上を渡っていきました。

? そうですね… (どうしていいのかわからなくて)私は2つのレーン〈自転車道と歩行者用横断歩道〉を分けている〈真ん中の〉幅広い白い線の上をただ歩きました。〈表示のための〉塗料が無駄であったかどうかをずっと考えながら。ここは私たちが横断する時には注意すべき箇所だと認識させるためのものなら、それは無駄ではないでしょう。でも、「法律を文字どおりに履行する」ことを守ることは全くありませんでしたね。




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