This evening I attended a dinner party in Tokyo for Harvard University President Drew Faust who is visiting Japan. When President Faust was formally introduced the speaker read a journal entry of a student written in about 1885. It said, “In New England when someone says 'the President' they never mean anyone in Washington D.C. They mean the President of Harvard!” Harvard's President can still be considered to be that important because much of what happens in the US in practically every field of human endeavor is influenced by something done at Harvard, and what happens in the US influences so many other nations that Harvard is truly a vital place. President Faust talked about how things have changed and are changing at Harvard (including how it feels to be the first woman President of the school) , and its plans for the future. She said the first student from Japan began studies at Harvard in 1872. Yet sadly, among the freshmen who entered Harvard in the fall of 2009, only one student is from Japan.


 When President Faust talked with Prime Minister Hatoyama yesterday, he mentioned that there are fewer and fewer Japanese students who study abroad and asked her what might be done to reverse that trend. She wisely answered that Harvard and other universities of the world are waiting with open arms, but the desire to study at those schools will have to be encouraged and nurtured from within Japan itself. I hope more Japanese students will make plans to spend at least part of their learning years abroad. I will certainly do all I can to encourage and nurture that desire.


学長との夕べ  マリン・バーチ


(えひめ新聞 週刊誌リック 2010325日号掲載)



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